quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010

Exit Frame Event

I always wanted to listen to the exit frame event on Actionscript 3 but couldn't because I kept having an error in Event.EXIT_FRAME. Now looking at the livedocs of Flex 3.5 (my compiler) I saw that the constant is defined as "exitFrame" and I tried it and it worked! If you do

addEventListener("exitFrame", func);

then func will be called in the exit frame event :) I don't know why I keep having errors with the constant, but I'm happy to be able to use the event.

I hope this helped some restless soul that needed the event but could not make it work :p

quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2010

New game on FGL

One of the things I like in FGL is that I can get developers' feedback on my game. This way I get some testing and suggestion from experienced developers of how I can improve the game. Right now my games is up and waiting for feedback from other developers. It's not finished yet, so it's just to see what they think about the idea and graphics.

See ya

quinta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2009

Happy new year and more news

First of all, happy new year to all :) I hope that in this year I can release flash games, work and study with good results. Today (or yesterday?) I worked more on my game and I will probably launch a simple library together with the game. I looked some game libraries in flash and the only one I liked, flixel, was really slow on my linux machine. Since I already got the game running with my own classes, I'm thinking in turining it into a lighweight game library that does the basic and leaves the control with you.

I'll post a video of the gameplay as soon as I learn how to record my screen fast enough to play my game.

See ya

quinta-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2009

The start of my university vacations

This week began my vacation from university. After two complicated months, I finally will have some time to work on my game. I hope to publish it by the end of january and I'll post here the library I developed to make it. It (probably) will be open source.

Let's see if this new game does better than the last. I really think it will :)

See you next time

domingo, 25 de outubro de 2009

New game


Today I started working in my new game. I decided to use as3 this time and I'm liking it. Since I already did OOP with as2, I'm used to all the stuff of as3. Now I'm only polishing my skill and I'm seeing that I'll be produtive in less time that I expected. When the game gets more progress I'll give more details.

See ya.

sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009

Lessons from Galaxy Defense

I'll write here what I learned from developing Galaxy Defense. I'll talk specifically about the project management and technical stuff. The things I learned about the flash game market are posted in the FGL posts (1, 2 and 3 ).

The main thing I learned was to develop something in my spare time without abandoning it. I concluded my second personal project in 6 months and I'm proud of it. Also, I got feedback from users and tried to use their advices in the game and did some negotiation in FGL (I declined my first deal).

In the technical side, things like OOP in AS2 and code organization needed improvement, but I started doing things right in the later parts of the project so I consider flash programming and code organization in AS2 were something I learned right. I'm still not very good using GIMP and other image softwares, but I'm getting better :)

There is something that I did not learn entirely in this project: how to size projects to fit my time and ability. I just put a project aside because it was too big for me to finish it with the time I have and started a new one that's smaller and easier to do.

That's my experience with Galaxy Defense. You can see the result of my work at Kongregate or see it at my sponsor's site: playtowerdefensegames.com

sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009

My first published game


The first game I got sponsored on FGL is now online at the sponsor's site and Kongregate! I got approximately 20 thousand views. A lot for a game that I did just to learn Flash :) Now I'll continue to develop my next game.

See ya